5 Signs That Your Boiler is Failing


The weather’s getting colder here in Connecticut and soon we’ll be in the depths of winter.  Not the best time to be experiencing boiler troubles.  You can’t always control when your boiler is going to go cold on you, but there are tell-tale signs that can allow you to hold complete failure off when things aren’t quite right.  Oftentimes your boiler may still continue working, but it may be only a matter of time before it suddenly fails on you.

What should you look out for?  What are the signs that you might have a boiler that is failing and needs a service or repair?


1. Strange sounds

Boilers are rarely quiet, it’s not unusual for them to make noise, but anything new, loud or overly presistent may be cause for concern.  In many cases boiler sounds such as rumbling, banging and rattling are caused by simple things that can be easily rectified.  Sometimes your system may have a build-up of air and you need to bleed your radiators (often presented by a rattling sound), other sounds however can indicate something more serious.


a. Whistling sound

A whistling sound similar to a kettle can result from limescale in the heat exchanger.  Most of Connecticut has hard water and it’s this mineral rich water that causes sediment to build up, restrict waterflow and cause the water to overheat and steam (hence the whistling sound).   You can try bleeding the radiators to see if this fixes the issue, as whistling can also be caused by a build-up of air pressure.  If the sound persists however then you should contact a boiler repair specialist.

A whistling sound should not be ignored as it generally means the boiler is being overworked – and overworked boilers can break-down sooner rather than later.


b. Vibrating sound

These types of sounds can be caused by a build-up of sludge (which can cause overheating) or a faulty pump shaking inside the boiler. Don’t ignore this as an overheating boiler is not a healthy boiler.


2. Metallic smell

You may need to be relatively close to the boiler but if you notice that it gives of a distinct metallic smell then it’s likely that you have a gas or oil leak.  It’s a clear sign that your boiler is breaking down and needs swift attention.  Call a professional for help.


3. Higher energy bills

Have you noticed that your energy bills have gone up compared to last year?  It could be a sign that your boiler is not as efficient as it once was and could be failing.  A boiler inspection and service can help to give you peace of mind and maybe identify tune-ups to help prevent a future breakdown.


4. Uneven heating in the home

If your radiators and parts of your home take a while to heat up or don’t heat up fully then there may be a build-up of sludge in the system, the boiler flow temperature might need turning up or the valves may not be fully open.  Most modern boilers should heat up pretty quickly and evenly, you don’t need to settle with uneven heating in winter, schedule a repair service to determine the cause of the problem before it gets worse.


5. Boiler leaks water

When you notice water leaking from your boiler, however small don’t hesitate to contact a repair specialist.  Leaks can sometimes be resolved with simple fixes, but don’t ignore them as they can lead to damage to electrical components.


Experiencing boiler concerns in the Berlin, New Britain or general Hartford County, CT area?  Don’t hesitate to call Riley Plumbing Company to schedule a service and put your mind at rest:


Special Gift for Berlin Plumbing Customers – Limited Time Only

As bad as years can go, 2020 has done a pretty good job of it.  So we thought we’d spread a bit of positivity, both for our valued customers and for one of our favourite local restaurants here in Kensington.  Like so many businesses, our beloved restaurants have had a hard time of it during the Coronavirus crisis and we wanted to show some of our support to this fine local Italian, Portofino’s.

FREE $25 Gift Card for Berlin Plumbing Customers

That’s right, no catch, if you’re in the Berlin area and you need a plumber then we’d like to offer you $25 gift card in show of our appreciation for choosing us.   Pay for any of our plumbing services, during the promotional period to be eligible for your free gift card.  No matter the size of the job, if you simply need a faucet repair or sump pump service all Berlin customers are welcome to the offer.

There’s no minimum spend, so long as you choose to dine in.

For details about how to claim this special offer please visit the promotion’s page on our website.

For anyone who’s not yet dined at Portofino’s you can expect all the usual Italian favourites: Gourmet pizza,  calzones, pasta dishes, alforno, seafood and more. All dishes are prepared using the freshest ingredients and all original recipes. You can expect traditional dishes from both the south and north of Italy, as well as many unique dishes from the family-owned restaurant.

Riley Plumbing Company are Berlin CT Plumbers serving Berlin, New Britian and the rest of Hartford County.

Why Drains Keep Blocking During Covid-19

Don’t fall victim to a clogged drain like others..

Like most Americans, you have been following the COVID-19 recommendations to clean and sterilize countertops, doorknobs, faucets and other frequently used surfaces in your home. There is a problem with all this wiping; many people are flushing used disinfectant wipes and paper towels down their toilet.

Can you really flush wipes down the toilet?

Lately, we have had an increase in customers calling with clogged drains and main sewers from flushable wipes, the worst was a clogged sewage pump that needed to be completely replaced. Beware, flushable wipes should not be flushed down your toilet. While technically the labeling is accurate, you can flush these wipes down a toilet. That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. They may go down the toilet but they don’t dissolve like toilet paper.

What can you flush down the toilet?

The only thing that should be flushed down a toilet is liquid and solid waste from your body and toilet paper. By design toilet paper disintegrates quickly. You can try a quick experiment by wetting a piece of toilet paper and rubbing it between your fingers. It falls apart instantly. Try that with wipes or even your favorite paper towel! Unlike toilet paper, wipes and paper towels are designed to hold up to wiping away spills and light-duty cleaning. Now imagine these heavy-duty paper products trying to pass through the piping in your house drains and outside through the buried sewer line or outside through the city sewer to the sewage plant.

In addition, cities across the country are experiencing backups and overflows at wastewater treatment facilities. It has become a serious issue. Most city sewage systems rely on gravity and water flow to move toilet paper and waste. They were not designed to accommodate thick wipes and paper towels, which do not break down as easily and clog the system.

Of course, if you get a backup we’re here to help, we offer drain cleaning, sewer cleaning, repairs and more. We have sewer equipment to unclog small drains in the house or the larger main going to the street.  Call us to ask about drain cleaning: 860-225-1534

When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

There’s never a good time for a furnace to breakdown.  Being one-step ahead of furnace repairs and knowing when to opt for a replacement instead can save you a lot of headaches instead of calling out for an emergency heating professional when it suddenly breaks down.

Know when you should replace your furnace:


What does Energy Star say?

Energy Star, a US government-backed organization recommends you should consider replacing your furnace after 15 years. 

This is, of course, a broad guide and every furnace is different. In most cases a gas or electric furnace should last between 15-20 years.



Condition is more important than age

If your furnace is reasonable quality and maintained you should not only consider age when determining if a replacement is necessary.  Generally speaking any furnace over the age of 10 is more likely to face problem, but a well-maintained one can go on for another 5-10 years and sometimes longer.  What you need to consider is how well it’s operating, consider:

  • Frequent repairs
  • Increased energy bills
  • Rooms are too hot or too cold


Frequent Repairs

When your furnace keeps needing repairs, it’s time to think about replacement.  With aging furnaces, when several parts go this can sometimes have a knock-on effect on others.  Frequent repairs often indicate a generally less efficient furnace and one that will soon need replacing.


Increased energy bills

As with any HVAC equipment, older furnaces become less efficient and this is when energy costs start to go up.  If you notice your heating bills go up in the winter then you may have a furnace that needs to be replaced sooner or later.

It’s also worth considering if you do not have an Energy Star furnace currently, a qualified furnace can be ‘15% more efficient’.


Some rooms too hot or cold

Sudden inconsistency in the temperature of different rooms can be because of duct problems such as leaky ducts, improper insulation or furnace short-cycling (constantly switching on and off).  These problems can often be repaired but sometimes suggest a furnace that needs replacing.


What else can determine if a furnace needs replacing?

There are a range of factors that can all contribute, but some of the more typical ones include:

  • The build quality of the furnace – For example, a builder’s grade furnace may last just 8-12 years.
  • How much maintenance the furnace gets – A well-maintained furnace can last many more years than one that receives little or no maintenance.
  • How much you use your furnace – The cold winters we get here in Connecticut often mean our furnaces get a good workout, and wear down more quickly than in other parts of the country.
  • The humidity in your home – A humid environment can rust and wear down key furnace components so they become less efficient or fail completely.
  • Poor ventilation around furnace – A furnace needs good clearance and ventilation to allow sufficient airflow around it.   If there’s not enough air circulating and too much moisture build-up then this puts pressure on the heat exchanger and can reduce it’s lifespan.
  • Older/cheaper models – Good quality furnace brands are more likely to last longer, as are some newer models.


Tips to Avoid a Replacement

  • Change the filter regularly
  • basic filters often need changing as often as monthly throughout the heating season. A dirty filter restricts necessary airflow, causing overheating that can damage the heat exchanger and other components.  Better filters can often last longer before needing to be changed—a clue to this is the depth of the filter, often looking like an accordion.  Check with your HVAC pro to get a guideline on how often you should change your filter.
  • Schedule annual system tune-ups. Preventative maintenance preserves the efficiency of your furnace, it saves you money by identifying any small issues before they turn into expensive repairs, and it ensures the safe operation of the equipment.
  • Control your humidity levels. A furnace that’s rusted badly due to excess moisture can allow deadly combustion gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) to leak into your living space.



Do modern furnaces last longer?

Sometimes you hear about old cast-iron furnaces that are still going strong after 30, or 40 years.  Modern furnaces can sometimes last as long as 30 years, but for the most part the trade-off for their shorter lifespans is efficiency.  The best rule when considering to replace a furnace is to take action before problems arise, if you stick within general lifespans then you can’t go too far wrong but you may also want to consider other factors as well.


Ask your local furnace service company

If you are unsure what type of furnace services you need, repair or replacement you can contact Riley Plumbing and Heating company based in Hartford County Connecticut: 860-225-1534

When Should You Replace Your Boiler?

No one wants to be left with a broken down boiler and an emergency call out to a heating contractor. Many homeowners would prefer the peace of mind that they’ll always have heating and warm water, rather than an old unit that could break down at any point.

If your boiler is nearing the end of it’s lifespan you might consider replacing it for a newer, more reliable model,. Far better to pre-empt any potential problems. But is it necessary? When should you replace your boiler?


What does Energy Star say?

According to government backed Energy Star, you should consider replacing your boiler after 15 years.  But notice the key word here is to consider.

There are no definitive rules when it comes to replacing your boiler.  Generally most modern units should last at least 15 years – if not longer.  With regular maintenance such as a yearly service, a good quality model can last much longer.

Do modern boilers last longer?

Sadly as is true for most things in life, quality is not what it used to be.  Things aren’t made to last as long as they once were in our throwaway society.  A well-made, efficient model may last you a little longer, but on the whole 10-15 years has been about the average for the past some decades, and continues to be the average, but don’t base your decision on age alone.


Consider condition over age

Age is not the only way to determine when you should replace your boiler.  It’s more important to consider it’s condition as well.

Typical signs that it’s time for a boiler replacement include:

  • Frequent breakdowns
  • Unexplained increase in fuel bills
  • Taking longer to heat up
  • Difficulty in replacing parts


Frequent breakdowns

Occasional breakdowns do not mean you need to replace your boiler at all.  If you are finding however that you need to call out a contractor more than once a year, then you may want to consider the cost of these call-outs and repairs in the long-term over the costs of a replacement.  If the boiler is going to breakdown beyond repair in a year or two, it may be more economical to replace it now and avoid the expense of future repairs.


Unexplained increase in fuel bills

Consistently higher fuel bills can be caused by a boiler that is no longer operating at optimum efficiency.  If it’s old then you may want to consider a more modern, energy efficient model.


Taking longer to heat up

Water taking longer to heat up?  Are you getting cold while you wait for your rooms to heat which is taking longer than normal?  You might also notice that the room (s) closest to the boiler are warmer than the rest of the house.

A boiler that is slow to operate can mean that it’s approaching the end of it’s days.   You can consult a professional to determine whether a repair or replacement is most appropriate in this situation.


Replace in the summer

If you decide to go ahead with a new boiler installation, a good time to do it is in the summer months when you’re not dependant on your heating.  Avoid the stress and additional costs of rushing to get your boiler swapped out when the weather turns cold and do it in the off-season.


Ask your local boiler service company

While it’s possible for homeowners to have some idea as to the condition of their boiler, the best advice will always come from a trained professional.  If you’re not sure whether to go for a boiler repair or replacement, speak to your local heating company.

Riley Plumbing and Heating company service all types of boilers across New Britain, Berlin and the rest of Hartford County CT.

May Sump Pump Service Discounts

The birds are chirping, the sun is setting later, and the temperature is beginning to rise slowly; signs which all point to the beginning of spring. However, if your sump pump isn’t working correctly or worse you don’t have one, then the spring showers could bring an unwanted danger to your home this season – flooding. Call Today to find out more about our Sump Pump Offers.