5 Signs That Your Boiler is Failing


The weather’s getting colder here in Connecticut and soon we’ll be in the depths of winter.  Not the best time to be experiencing boiler troubles.  You can’t always control when your boiler is going to go cold on you, but there are tell-tale signs that can allow you to hold complete failure off when things aren’t quite right.  Oftentimes your boiler may still continue working, but it may be only a matter of time before it suddenly fails on you.

What should you look out for?  What are the signs that you might have a boiler that is failing and needs a service or repair?


1. Strange sounds

Boilers are rarely quiet, it’s not unusual for them to make noise, but anything new, loud or overly presistent may be cause for concern.  In many cases boiler sounds such as rumbling, banging and rattling are caused by simple things that can be easily rectified.  Sometimes your system may have a build-up of air and you need to bleed your radiators (often presented by a rattling sound), other sounds however can indicate something more serious.


a. Whistling sound

A whistling sound similar to a kettle can result from limescale in the heat exchanger.  Most of Connecticut has hard water and it’s this mineral rich water that causes sediment to build up, restrict waterflow and cause the water to overheat and steam (hence the whistling sound).   You can try bleeding the radiators to see if this fixes the issue, as whistling can also be caused by a build-up of air pressure.  If the sound persists however then you should contact a boiler repair specialist.

A whistling sound should not be ignored as it generally means the boiler is being overworked – and overworked boilers can break-down sooner rather than later.


b. Vibrating sound

These types of sounds can be caused by a build-up of sludge (which can cause overheating) or a faulty pump shaking inside the boiler. Don’t ignore this as an overheating boiler is not a healthy boiler.


2. Metallic smell

You may need to be relatively close to the boiler but if you notice that it gives of a distinct metallic smell then it’s likely that you have a gas or oil leak.  It’s a clear sign that your boiler is breaking down and needs swift attention.  Call a professional for help.


3. Higher energy bills

Have you noticed that your energy bills have gone up compared to last year?  It could be a sign that your boiler is not as efficient as it once was and could be failing.  A boiler inspection and service can help to give you peace of mind and maybe identify tune-ups to help prevent a future breakdown.


4. Uneven heating in the home

If your radiators and parts of your home take a while to heat up or don’t heat up fully then there may be a build-up of sludge in the system, the boiler flow temperature might need turning up or the valves may not be fully open.  Most modern boilers should heat up pretty quickly and evenly, you don’t need to settle with uneven heating in winter, schedule a repair service to determine the cause of the problem before it gets worse.


5. Boiler leaks water

When you notice water leaking from your boiler, however small don’t hesitate to contact a repair specialist.  Leaks can sometimes be resolved with simple fixes, but don’t ignore them as they can lead to damage to electrical components.


Experiencing boiler concerns in the Berlin, New Britain or general Hartford County, CT area?  Don’t hesitate to call Riley Plumbing Company to schedule a service and put your mind at rest:


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