How to Tell that your Water Heater needs Service
Every homeowner hates it when there is an issue with water heaters. It can be disruptive, frustrating, and cause significant inconveniences to your day to day activities. Imagine coming home after a long day at work, and you can’t wait to take a hot shower, but to your disappointment, the water heater fails to work. Luckily for you, some subtle signs will notify you when your water heater needs service before it’s too late.
Below are some of the signs:
Lukewarm water
There are situations where water coming through the heater fails to get as hot as it should. This can mean that your heater needs repair. However, it is not always the case, as someone might have tampered with the temperature settings without your knowledge. Therefore, if such a thing happens, you should first ensure that it has nothing to do with the settings. Additionally, if the outdoor temperature is too cold, it might hinder the heating process, making you end up receiving lukewarm water.
However, if you have checked and everything seems okay, it will be time to call in the experts and have the heaters checked. It might just be a slight disconnection that will be repaired immediately, taking things back to normal.
If the hot water doesn’t run for long
Are you getting the sense that the water is running out faster than usual? Sometimes you find out that when you are taking a shower or washing utensils, the water gradually turns cold. This can of course be that you’re using more hot water than you expect, perhaps your water heater is undersized for your home, but if the hot water doesn’t return quick enough then you could have a genuine problem. It could be that there is a broken element within the heater or maybe other more severe problems. A professional diagnosis will help pick out the specific issues, making it easy to correct the situation.
Water discoloration
Water coming from the taps should always be colorless. Sometimes it might turn out to be a little hazy, but this is mainly attributed to the pressure being used to pump it. The hazy color disappears once the pressure evens out. However, if you notice that the water has started coming out with an unusual color, it might be time to seek professional help. Sometimes people even see tiny dark particles in the water; the water heater is to blame here.
You should take water discoloration more seriously. It can even pose a risk to the health of your home’s residents.
Unusual or Funny Noises
Just like any other system, the ageing of your water heating system will cause mild buzzes. These might grow and develop to become rumbling sounds. Even though it is normal for the heater to produce a little noise, too much of it should not go unchecked; it might even weaken some parts of the heating system can damage the whole system.
It’s common for most water heaters to build up with sediment after many years without service – this is especially true in hard water areas, like a lot of Connecticut. An increase in sediment can cause your water heater to work harder, cost you more money, and not work so well. It’s a relatively simple task for a heating professional to flush and clean a water heater of sediment, but it’s not something that you should leave and assume it will go away; because it won’t, it will only get worse.
A deteriorating water heating system might not seem like a major inconvenience until you have to endure an ice-cold shower. However, when your water heater is checked and serviced regularly, it will go a long way in excluding inconveniences and preventing surprises and upsets.
If you have concerns about your water heater in Berlin, New Britain or the rest of Hartford County, CT then contact Riley Plumbing Company to schedule a reliable water heater service from top-rated heating specialists. – Read Reviews
Call: (860) 225-1534
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